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Aluminium trichloride, AlCl3
Aluminium trichloride, AlCl3, was originally made by heating an intimate mixture of alumina and carbon to redness in a stream of chlorine (Oersted's method). It may be more readily prepared by heating aluminium in a wide glass tube in a rapid current of dry hydrogen chloride, or in a stream of chlorine. If it is required to prepare the chloride from the oxide, a neater method than Oersted's is to heat the oxide in a current of chlorine and sulphur chloride: -
4Al2O3 + 3S2Cl2 + 9Cl2 = 8AlCl3 + 6SO2. Instead of chlorine and sulphur chloride, carbon tetrachloride vapour or carbonyl chloride may be used. A simple method of preparation is said to consist in heating crude alumina or clay to redness in a current of hydrogen chloride and carbon disulphide vapour, and purifying the aluminium chloride so obtained by sublimation over iron filings.
Aluminium chloride dissolves in alcohol and many organic liquids. In pyridine, ether, and in nitrobenzene the molecular weight corresponds with the simple formula AlCl3. Aluminium chloride is extremely deliquescent and fumes in the air. It dissolves readily in water with the evolution of much heat. An aqueous solution of aluminium chloride is readily obtained by dissolving aluminium or its hydroxide in aqueous hydrochloric acid. A solution containing 40 parts of aluminium chloride to 100 of water has a density of 1.3415 at 15°. The aqueous solution has an acid reaction and on prolonged boiling loses hydrochloric acid and becomes turbid. According to Baud, a number of definite basic chlorides exist. The hexahydrate, AlCl3.6H2O, separates out when an aqueous solution of aluminium chloride is either slowly evaporated or saturated with hydrogen chloride. The hydrate forms deliquescent rhombohedral crystals (a:c = 1:0.5356) of prismatic habit and does not lose water in a sulphuric acid desiccator. Dilute solutions, cooled to -8°, are said to deposit the ennea-hydrate AlCl3.9H2O. Aluminium chloride enters into the composition of a large number of double compounds, many of which have been studied by Baud. The following compounds with metallic chlorides are known: 2AlCl3.2NH4Cl; 2AlCl3.6KCl; 2AlCl3.2KCl; 2AlCl3.2AgCl; 2AlCl3.2NaCl; 2AlCl3.BaCl2; 2AlCl3.3NaCl; 2AlCl3.1½SrCl2; 2AlCl3.3KCl; 2AlCl3.l½CaCl2; 2 AlCl3.6NaCl; 2AlCl3.1½ZnCl2. The compound AlCl3.NaCl was formerly manufactured for use in the preparation of aluminium. It is not so hygroscopic as aluminium chloride, melts at 185°, and volatilises at a red heat. The compounds AlCl3.KCl and AlCl3.NH4Cl are similar. The compound AlCl3.SCl4 has been prepared by Ruff and Plato, double compounds with selenium and tellurium tetrachlorides by Weber, and with phosphorus pentachloride and oxychloride by Casselmann. Anhydrous aluminium chloride rapidly absorbs dry ammonia. At low temperatures the compound AlCl3.9NH3 is formed, the dissociation-point of which is - 14'6°. It passes into the compound AlCl3.6NH3, which is the product formed at the ordinary temperature and pressure. At 150° this passes into AlCl3.5NH3; at 275° this becomes AlCl3.3NH3; and when this last compound is distilled in hydrogen, a compound of the remarkable composition 6AlCl3.7NH3 is produced which may be repeatedly distilled in hydrogen without decomposition. The compounds AlCl3.XCl.6NH3 (where X = NH4, Na, or K) are also known. Aluminium chloride also combines with phosphine. The compound AlCl3.H2S can only be obtained by the use of liquid hydrogen sulphide. It dissociates at -45° into hydrogen sulphide and the compound 2AlCl3.H2S, which is stable at the ordinary temperature and pressure. The compound AlCl3.SO2, prepared by subliming aluminium chloride in a current of sulphur dioxide, dissociates at 80°, giving rise to the compound 2AlCl3.SO2, which can be distilled at 200°. With carbonyl chloride three compounds are formed, 2AlCl3.5COCl2, melting at - 2°, 2AlCl3.3COCl2, and 4AlCl3.COCl2. The last two compounds are said to occur in commercial aluminium chloride. The behaviour of the preceding double compounds towards water is such as would be expected from the behaviour of the constituent compounds. Aluminium chloride combines with many organic compounds, such as acid chlorides, ketones, esters, nitro-compounds, and tertiary amines. Examples of such compounds are AlCl3.(C2H5)2O, AlCl3.C6H5.CO2.C2H5, AlCl3.NO2.C6H4.CH3, Al2Cl6.2C6H5NO2, the last compound having a molecular weight in carbon disulphide solution corresponding to the formula here given. In organic chemistry, anhydrous aluminium chloride is a very valuable catalytic agent, as, for example, in the well-known Friedel and Crafts' syntheses. |
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